Have you ever taken a “trust walk” popular in team-building
workshops, or youth events? One person
is blindfolded, simulating blindness.
The “blind” person depends upon another who acts as guide in order to
reach a destination. At times, the
“blind” person holds onto the guide for direction. Other times the guide calls the person,
providing insight into the moment’s situation and giving essential
instruction. As long as the “blind”
person follows the guide, all is well.
Trust provides the bond that allows both to journey together as
We are on a “trust walk” with God, every moment, every step
of our lives. When we follow Jesus and
learn to make decisions based on His instruction, our lives are filled with
depth and fullness. Guided this way we
come to trust that God, who has given us our lives, who we are, and what we
have, will continue to provide all we need to live in holiness.
Trust provides the bond that allows us to journey with God,
our guide, in love. A disciple is one
who is learning the ways of a master teacher. Our master teacher is Jesus, whose life is the
lesson we will learn throughout our lives. We look to Jesus as our model and “see” the
fullness of what it means to live for God and to live for others. Each step along the way, we meet challenges
and joys, making choices and decisions based upon our understanding of the
Master’s way.
The choices may be simple, or sometimes profound. Looking to Jesus we see our heart’s desire, we
learn to live as image and likeness of God, to be our very self. We consider how we best reflect Jesus’ love
through our prayer, our presence, by sharing our gifts and offering service to
Summer is a great time to step back and reflect on our
journey with Jesus who is the way. Each
of us are blessed with talents and abilities, material and financial resources,
time, life itself. Following Jesus as a
disciple calls us to always be seeking ways to offer back to God what we have
been given in abundance, as good and faithful, trusting stewards.
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