Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

“There is a boy here who has five barley loaves and two fish; but what good are these for so many?” (John 6:9)

The miracle of the Loaves and Fishes is the only one of Our Lord’s miracles which is recorded six times in the Gospel. It carries two important messages. First, no matter how little we have, we always have enough to share. Second, Christ can take our humble gifts and do great things with them if we are just willing to let Him. The account of the loaves and fishes is an awesome example of Christian stewardship. We have the ability to re-create this miracle in our everyday lives - if we just share a portion of our time, talents, and possessions with others.

“The hand of the Lord feeds us,” says the psalmist; “he answers all our needs.” Both Elisha’s servant in the first reading and the disciples in the Gospel story witnessed the miracle of feeding so many with so little. They saw this happen and knew it to be true. In these two accounts God demonstrates, very powerfully, that miracles can happen when we are willing to put all of our trust in the Lord, by generously sharing what we have.

In the Old Testament God’s chosen messengers earnestly carried out their prophetic calling and were able to serve the Israelites in miraculous ways. People were able to see the Lord working through them and therefore they believed. Jesus, too, attracted followers who believed because of the signs he performed. Just as Christ gave thanks to the Father and prayed that his works would serve God, we should thank God for our blessings and use them to serve one another.

Do you realize that sharing releases God’s power and bountifulness on the world and its people? Do we realize that there is enough for all if we are willing to share? Are we aware that God is at work when we share our time, our money and our other resources in His name?

May we see the love of God in the beauty of the world and enable others to see it in us as we give the way He gives.
