People sometimes ask, why do we bring the funds (your Treasure) collected during the offertory (preparation of the gifts) to the altar. This is an excellent teaching moment, and you are bright, so I know you will be able to teach this to others. Please be good teachers. Here is the teaching:
The Mass is a Holy Exchange of Gifts. During the offertory, we see this Holy Exchange of Gifts in action. God offers and gives us his son, freely out of love, and we offer (thus offertory) back the gift of ourselves freely out of love. The gift of ourselves is within the bread, wine, and offertory collection. The "sign" of the presence of that gift is at least partially lost when our first fruits, our Treasure, is simply collected and shuffled out the back door, per se. When the usher carries the box of Treasure to the altar that usher is literally carrying everyone in that church by carrying the best we have to give that day. It is the offering of the self represented by the best we have to give of ourselves in our Treasure. God gives us his Son, freely out of love, and we give back the gift of ourselves freely out of love. So the, bread, wine, and Treasure (ourselves) are the second component of the Holy Exchange of Gifts. Without it, the exchange is not complete.
We want to engage with Divine Love (God) in a Holy Exchange of Gifts. The Liturgy and Sacraments (Mass) are acts of God and acts of the church (The People of God) at the same time. In the Mass in particular, we have both the divine offer and the human response. That is the Holy Exchange. Don't miss it!
There is much to be said about the Mass as a Holy Exchange of Gifts. It is an ancient term for the Mass. The Holy Exchange is not complete without us allowing God's gift, and our gift back to God, to transform (change) our lives. Thus at the end of Mass we proclaim: Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life!
Why are we bringing the gift of Treasure to the altar during the offertory? It is part of your Holy Exchange, your engaging with Divine Love (God).
Much is on the Internet about the Holy Exchange of Gifts. Here is a link to an audio file, a very good 14 minute Homily, about the holy exchange of gifts.
See you in church!
The Mass is a Holy Exchange of Gifts. During the offertory, we see this Holy Exchange of Gifts in action. God offers and gives us his son, freely out of love, and we offer (thus offertory) back the gift of ourselves freely out of love. The gift of ourselves is within the bread, wine, and offertory collection. The "sign" of the presence of that gift is at least partially lost when our first fruits, our Treasure, is simply collected and shuffled out the back door, per se. When the usher carries the box of Treasure to the altar that usher is literally carrying everyone in that church by carrying the best we have to give that day. It is the offering of the self represented by the best we have to give of ourselves in our Treasure. God gives us his Son, freely out of love, and we give back the gift of ourselves freely out of love. So the, bread, wine, and Treasure (ourselves) are the second component of the Holy Exchange of Gifts. Without it, the exchange is not complete.
We want to engage with Divine Love (God) in a Holy Exchange of Gifts. The Liturgy and Sacraments (Mass) are acts of God and acts of the church (The People of God) at the same time. In the Mass in particular, we have both the divine offer and the human response. That is the Holy Exchange. Don't miss it!
There is much to be said about the Mass as a Holy Exchange of Gifts. It is an ancient term for the Mass. The Holy Exchange is not complete without us allowing God's gift, and our gift back to God, to transform (change) our lives. Thus at the end of Mass we proclaim: Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life!
Why are we bringing the gift of Treasure to the altar during the offertory? It is part of your Holy Exchange, your engaging with Divine Love (God).
Much is on the Internet about the Holy Exchange of Gifts. Here is a link to an audio file, a very good 14 minute Homily, about the holy exchange of gifts. http://dodgecitycathedral.
See you in church!
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