Pray and Grow Rich

Are you rich?  Please pray with me that we may all grow richer in our faith, realizing that God does not measure us by what we possess but rather by what we do for one another.  Christian stewards strive to be “rich in faith” by consciously choosing to make room for God in their daily lives no matter what the cost.

“Did not God choose those who are poor in the world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom that he promised to those who love him?”  (James 2:5)
What is more important – being rich in faith or rich in possessions?  Society teaches us that possessions are most important.  God teaches a different lesson.  When we are rich in faith we know that material things really do not matter and we are more willing to share what we have. 

St. James teaches that those who are poor in the eyes of society are the ones who have been chosen to inherit the Kingdom of God.  Indeed, we are saved because of our poverty; we are redeemed out of our need; not because of our material wealth or achievements that the world finds praiseworthy.  St. James also suggests that we are stewards of others, especially the poor; and it is how we respond to the poor and needy that will define our relationship with the Lord. How do we respond to the less fortunate right within our own parish?

Furthermore, the good steward must not show favoritism toward  those who are materially wealthy..  The rich may have many material gifts to share, but once again  St. James reminds us that God has chosen the world’s poor to be rich in faith and inheritors of God’s kingdom.

St. James also speaks to us today about hospitality.  To be a good steward of our community means that we help one another to feel welcome.  The gift we encounter in each person calls us to hold everyone in high esteem.  Christian hospitality is so much more than planned hospitality, like coffee Sundays and greeters.  To live as a Disciple of Jesus is to enter into a daily disposition of hospitality.  Try practicing hospitality at work, at home and especially in the Church on Sunday.
