God is whispering. Are we still in the boat?

 First Reading:
“After the fire, there was a small whispering sound”
(1 Kings 19:12).
It was God.
For many of us, prayers are petitions to God, asking Him for something.  Do we take time, in silence, to ask God what He wants from us?  How do we know what God wants us to do unless we listen for His call on a regular basis?

Miraculous things happen when one embraces faith.  Peter gets out of a wind-tossed boat when the Lord calls him.  His faith is tested by his obedience to Jesus who calls him out onto the water.  In the midst of the waves and wind, Peter gets out of the boat and walks toward Jesus.  Good stewards heed Christ’s call to them.  Sometimes that call directs them to take on seemingly impossible challenges.  Reflect on how the Lord could be calling you out of the safety of your “boat” to take on the impossible.
